
A Seminarian's Prayer

Nurturing and Loving God,

Your presence in my life is a Gift that reaches through all aspects of my life. I feel your presence in my studies, in my friendships, in my challenges, in my longing to be with those I love, and in the new ways in which I am learning to be your servant.

Help me to remember that my education is about you. Help me to let go of the anxieties that come when I make this journey about my grades, about proving a point, about what I want others to think of me, or about proving my worth. As I seek to do your will in this hour, this day, and this semester, help me to remember that it is you who has Called me to ministry and that because it is your Call, and not mine, that any hurdle will ultimately be overcome to your satisfaction.

As I begin this moment, open my ears and my heart that I can respond to what you would have me do now and in the hours and days ahead. Help me to recognize your presence as I do your will.


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