
Journey to a New Home Day 7: Arrival

On the Seventh Day...

No, we didn't rest. We left La Grande, Oregon leisurely, though, and drove along the Columbia River to Portland. By the time we arrived at our new home -- what I've christened #TheStudio -- my trip odometer read 2,703 miles.

What fits in two cars, fits in one studio apartment

I confess the apartment looked smaller than I had remembered. Yet, as we quickly emptied the two cars (with the help of Frances) it became clear to me that the quantity and the space matched perfectly. We have downsized. The efficiency-size of #TheStudio will keep us honest in our endeavor to be true to our goal. It will require efficient use of space and will not allow for re-engaging with America's favorite pastime, consuming. I suspect our human frailties will need this cap as the cloud of impending move has dissipated. 

I look at our new home and feel peace, and a need to organize, but peace nonetheless. This is a nice little space. Yes, it will be an adjustment for the two of us. We will need to learn how to function when we're on separate sleep schedules. We will need to learn how to allow one another physical and emotional space. We will need to learn how to live with less not just work at divesting ourselves. We still have far more than two people need. 

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