
I Couldn't Have Picked Anyone Better!

One of amazing things about fatherhood is that my adult children have increased the size of my family. I'm not talking about grandchildren; that joy may come in its time. I'm talking about my children's significant others.

As my daughter and son have found life-partners, I've been blessed by a doubling of my children. It wasn't until Frances and, now, Breetel joined our family that I felt the depth of my father's words the first time I brought my beloved home. He said, "We couldn't have picked anyone better for you." 

My amazing children...all four of them!
My daughter and son are remarkable, phenomenal individuals.  (This is a fact not a father's pride.) Still, the love of another, somehow reveals a depth, a wholeness that I never saw in Isaac or Jessica before. Their love is more than a skin-deep affectation. Their love has added a vibrancy to who they were before.

Love is powerful in all its forms. Love transforms, makes us each more than we were. It defies the laws of physics. There is always an abundance and extravagance about love. Love reveals the Divine within us and in our relationship with others.

"...and the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13: 13b NRSV (Read this passage in context.)

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